Report from New Seminary Blessing in VA

A short report from the new St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary blessing in Dilwyn, Virginia, presided over by His Excellency Bishop Fellay.
More than one thousand faithful gathered at the new home of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary on Friday, November 4th, to celebrate the blessing of the recently built house of formation. With the Superior General, Bishop Fellay, several district superiors, and dozens of priests, this joyous day for Tradition in America began, as is fitting, with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
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In the sermon, His Excellency explained how a building this noble and grand helps the formation of the future priests. By reflecting the attributes of the eternal and majestic God, the architecture leads to an interior silence and reminds souls that their vocation is not a normal one!
After a catered lunch, Fr. Yves le Roux, the Rector, thanked those who made such a work possible: the benefactors, the workers, the volunteers, and all those who have prayed and sacrificed to make this work possible.
However, not all the news from Virginia was happy this weekend, as the Superior General, Bishop Fellay, injured his foot quite badly. We ask for your prayers that he recovers well, and completely.
More than anything else, the new seminary stands as a tribute to the founder of the Society. Without Archbishop Lefebvre's vision to defend the Catholic priesthood, none of this would be possible. Continue to pray that the Society may form priests of God and that Our Lady protects them all in this increasingly chaotic world!