Three new subdeacons from and for the Church!
The Seminary is pleased to announce that three of its seminarians have made a decisive step in the advancement towards the priesthood by receiving the ordination to the subdiaconate by Bishop Fellay in the newly consecrated Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Phoenix. The new subdeacons are:
Rev. Mr. Paul-Isaac Franks
Rev. Mr. Brandon Haenny
Rev. Mr. Francis Palmquist
The above-mentioned subdeacons will be ordained to the diaconate on Saturday, November 28th by Bishop de Mallerais at the Seminary in Winona, an event that we are all looking forward to.
Of particular note, the Seminary and attendees of Our Lady of Sorrows Church also witnessed the tonsuring of Br. Sebastian Underhill for the Benedictine Monastery in Silver City, NM, a graduate of Notre Dame de La Salette Boys Academy.
Please enjoy some pictures from the event in the attached gallery, and pray for perseverance as they progress in receiving the orders of the Church.