USA: First engagements of 14 seminarians

On the feast of the Immaculate Conception, the Seminary Rector, Fr. le Roux, celebrated a Solemn High Mass during which fourteen seminarians officially entered into the ranks of the Society of St. Pius X by the offering of their first Engagements.
The first Engagement is a request for admission into the Society for the term of one year, and a promise to follow Christ more perfectly. The spirit of this Engagement is contained in the words: In a humble spirit and a contrite heart let me be received by Thee, Lord, and let my sacrifice be pleasing in Thy sight.
As the fourteen aspirants made their promises before the Blessed Sacrament, the other members of the Society renewed their own Engagements. After the Mass, the entire community recited the Act of Consecration of the Society to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.