Video: A Day in the Life of a Seminarian

A new video traces the daily life and full formation of a seminarian at the SSPX Seminary of St. Thomas Aquinas
What is it like to live within the walls of a seminary? Let us follow a day in the life of a seminarian.
At 6:00am the bell is rung which breaks the great silence of the night. The seminarian begins the day with the morning prayers. After washing up, he descends to the chapel - vesting with the surplice signifies “putting on the new man” as says St. Paul.
At 6:30am, Prime, part of the Divine Office or prayer of the Church, is sung. After 25 minutes of meditation, the Angelus is led by the Rector.
Mass, the center of seminary life, follows: a low Mass on weekdays, and a High Mass on Sundays and feast days....
Video: A Day In the Life of a Seminarian
This video is part of the presentation given on June 3, 2016 to celebrate the 28 years of St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary presence in Winona.
If you wish more information about the seminary, its new building project, or vocations in general, we direct you to the following links:
St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary
The New Seminary Project
Do You Have A Vocation