About twenty young men are knocking at the Seminary door and will be here, God willing, the first Saturday of October. We recommend them to your prayers, as it is not unusual that the devil tries to dissuade them during the summer.
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
About twenty young men are knocking at the Seminary door and will be here, God willing, the first Saturday of October. We recommend them to your prayers, as it is not unusual that the devil tries to dissuade them during the summer.
A vocation is a miracle of grace that is obtained and preserved thanks to the faithful prayer of Christian souls. Thus, let us pray for these generous young men so that their generosity does not fade as a mirage.
In the meantime, our “theologians” are in Rome, guided by Fr. Patrick Abbet, in order to discover and acquire that virtue so dear to our founder: Romanitas. May God grant that, in spite of the turpitude of our times, they discover the eternal Rome and return from that City with their souls impregnated by love for the Holy Catholic Church.
In Virginia, the other seminarians are wearing themselves out clearing the undergrowth in our property. The torrential and almost continual rains do not facilitate their already difficult work. But, valiantly, every day they set out again to labor without being let down by the inclement weather. They face a colossal work but acquire, with the sweat of their brows, a love for their future home.
Living in a house located on the property, they rise at the crack of dawn and at 5:45am they are in the chapel for the Office of Prime and meditation. At 7:00 am they are to be found hard at work, in the midst of the woods, in order to clear them. At noon the seminarians attend Mass, before enjoying some rest; then, after reciting the Rosary in common, they set out again for another three hours of hard labor.
It goes without saying that the evening meal and the hour of relaxation that follows are greatly appreciated! Everyone is back in the chapel for Compline before retiring to get a well-deserved sleep, exhausted but happy.
The Seminary is not forsaken, as it is under the vigilant and effective care of our judicious and devoted Brothers.
The jobs follow one another at a fast pace: passage of the Dominican sisters, Priests’ retreat, maintenance of the vegetable garden, cleaning of the house and… replacement of the windows.
This last work does not fall to the Brothers, as a local contractor takes care of it. But it still is necessary for them to be around, to supervise, clean and help in this task.
Our Brothers spare no efforts and we want here to pay them homage for their often ignored, but invaluable, dedication. Moreover, let us not forget that all these tasks are but the visible part of an iceberg. Our Brothers, by their consecrated and hidden life, perpetuate the life of Christ within the Holy Family and obtain for us choice graces.
Let them find here the expression of our appreciation and gratitude, which is perfected at the altar, where we offer them together with the Divine Victim.
We have spoken of the replacement of the windows of our building. This task, necessary because of the damage caused by the passing of time, cannot be done all at once. We could not afford its cost. Already the bill is heavy, especially when we have to face the expenses of the construction in Virginia.
So we dare, once again, to ask for your generosity. The work of the Seminary is a capital work in our paganized world. To form the souls of future priests, who are dedicated to Christ, the Eternal High Priest, and who will one day incarnate Him in the midst of this insane world, and thus will act as lighthouses that illuminate, guide and protect the souls entrusted to them – that is, today, the greatest work that can be done.
The war still rages, as the devil, knowing that his days are numbered, manages to unsettle souls, to sidetrack priests under appearance of good and to arouse bitter suspicions with unfounded rumors.
We need, more than ever, humble and well-trained priests. Please, do not weaken in your prayers; keep our vocations quite present in your souls and before God. Any vocation carried out to term is a pledge of salvation for many souls. The devil knows this, which is why he attacks a Seminary more than any other place in order to kill in its seed the promise of redemption.
Please, have also the kindness to support us with your material sacrifices. As our seminarians are not angels, their appetite is in direct proportion to their youthful energy… We wholeheartedly thank you for your aid, which does not fail, in spite of the lies told against our dear Society.
May God repay your generosity a hundredfold and bless your families.
In Christo sacerdote et Maria,
Fr. Yves le Roux