The present time is precisely that in which these structures that protect and constitute man are collapsing. A slow process of decomposition of society is ongoing, reducing man – who is by nature a social being – to no more than one isolated individual, disabled, without any structure on which to rely, without any other resource that himself and, thus weakened, left at the mercy of anonymous powers.(...)
God has already won. What can the demolishers of structures oppose against Him Who has Himself established them from all eternity?
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
In the animal kingdom, where intelligence and will are lacking, sensibility is reduced to some physical actions for the perpetuation of the species. In this limited universe, even if living in a pack, the animal does not develop itself by means of a structure that takes it up, but by the power of its instincts.
On the other hand, the delicate and subtle marks of tenderness that surround the arrival of a child into the world manifest the family affection necessary for his initial blossoming and then for his development. These are the irreplaceable foundations for his future personality. Indeed, by the daily observance of the rules that govern family life, the family unit gives a structure to man and conditions his development as social being.
Because the little child is strictly dependent on others, as he grows up the dependence on the surrounding structures grows with him. He receives thus, little by little, the determining influence of all those friendly, educational, social, professional, national, natural and supernatural structures that will accompany him throughout his life. In a good measure, man becomes what he is as these structures build – or demolish – him. For a long time this truth has been acknowledged by freemasonry which, in its secret assemblies, demolishes and remakes the men who attach themselves to it in order to demolish and remake the world according to its plans.
Modern history offers a clear proof of this. After having reversed the old order during the French Revolution, freemasonry’s objective became the building of a new order according to its demonic structures. With this new order now spread to the whole world, many attempt to give the force of law to unnatural acts. However, the freemasons know well that a rather long period of time is necessary between the demolition of thousand-year-old structures and the establishment of new ones. To be finally accepted without excessive clashes and rebellions, the violation of consciences requires time.
The present time is precisely that in which these structures that protect and constitute man are collapsing. A slow process of decomposition of society is ongoing, reducing man – who is by nature a social being – to no more than one isolated individual, disabled, without any structure on which to rely, without any other resource that himself and, thus weakened, left at the mercy of anonymous powers.
To draw up an inventory of this decomposition would be tiresome. One single example: the attack on the family is enough to emphasize to what extent man finds himself forsaken. Not receiving his human formation from a stable and harmonious home, disoriented by separations, divorces or remarriages, the child is handicapped for life by the absence of edifying structures. This handicap, which reduces man to be only one individual, marks him as a target of choice for those who tomorrow will want to manipulate him.
Excessive individualism creates a diminished being, mutilated, stunted, unable to mature and attain his stature as an adult and thus, the continual manufacturing of eternal teenagers is ensured. The tyrannical domination of various passions dazes him. He force-feeds himself with pleasures that leave him dissatisfied or lead him into the infernal whirlwind of artificial paradises. He creates for himself a very personal world, closed, where he moves alone. One finds him sitting on a bench, eyes unfocused, hearing without listening the music pouring out from the headphones behind which he has cut himself off from everything around him. Separated from his brethren by the thick walls of individualism, he works against himself without even knowing it. Perhaps he will be found one day, having committed suicide because of an increasingly oppressive and unbearable despair. The drama of this time is terrible: what humanity could remain in a man who grows up without any structure?
But nature is still nature: it cannot be so easily eliminated. Thus, man tries to exist by playing a part, hiding behind appearances. But let there be no mistake: it is by no means a conscious approach aimed at saving face; that would imply that he has knowledge of what reality is. However, without an initial structure there is no possible conscience of reality. There is no hypocrisy in him either: this attempt to exist, to play a role, is not the result of any calculation or strategy. No: he tries, quite simply, by a kind of reflex, to survive by creating a world in which he can evolve. By establishing the structures according to his own limitations, those of a child of this century raised according to the criteria of Hollywood. He thus plays a multi-faceted part, according to the quasi-infinite variation of circumstances. In a word: he hopelessly tries to establish by himself the structures of which he was deprived for such a long time.
This attempt is nonetheless very touching and carries in itself a profoundly heartening hope.
We are witnessing an attempt of individuals, an often unconscious but not less real attempt, to restructure themselves as men. That is to say, as beings evolving in harmony in societies that are accessible and respectful of their status of creatures, turned towards their Creator and ordained to Him.
God has already won. What can the demolishers of structures oppose against Him Who has Himself established them from all eternity?
In Christo sacerdote et Maria.
Fr. Yves le Roux