Nevertheless, today fear can slip into our hearts. Watching the sorry spectacle offered us by the men of the Church, the vileness that often accompanies their actions, we can imagine that the hour of darkness has already covered the earth; that the Church, like her divine spouse, finds Herself crucified, in Her last agony, and about to show Her infinite love to God the Father in the most complete abandonment.
Dear friends and benefactors,
“In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph.”
These words strike a chord of hope in our souls, a faithful echo of “If God is with us, who can be against us?” No power can shake this certainty: the victory belongs to God alone.
It becomes real by the mystery of the Cross, and human failure is the instrument of the divine triumph. We must never forget it and we say again with St. Teresa of Avila “Let nothing trouble you. God is.”
Nevertheless, today fear can slip into our hearts. Watching the sorry spectacle offered us by the men of the Church, the vileness that often accompanies their actions, we can imagine that the hour of darkness has already covered the earth; that the Church, like her divine spouse, finds Herself crucified, in Her last agony, and about to show Her infinite love to God the Father in the most complete abandonment.
There is another certainty: the Church is called to climb Golgotha, to suffer Calvary, in a word, to let Herself be conformed to “the man of sorrows,” “having neither beauty nor comeliness,” whom we can no longer recognize. Who, then, can recognize Holy Church amidst this filth, which would be merely grotesque if it were not so distressing?
But are we truly at the end? Have the last hours sounded when the Church is going to pronounce Her “It is consummated”?
We know not. We must be wary of believing it. The present combat is hard, long, and painful; it demands vigilance and prayer. At some time or another, a certain lassitude can attack us, disarm us, make us fall into a dangerous and regrettable indifference, and thereby play the devil’s game. It may be that the present hour is not yet that of Pilate or of the Way of the Cross, the hour when the adversary disfigures Holy Mother Church before delivering the fatal blow. To us, the cup appears full; but God, who loves His Church, still reserves further tests for Her, and our souls, already surprised by such treatment, must expect to know other attacks without ever giving up.
In these difficult times, we know that the star of the Virgin Mary shines with all its brilliance; her Son has given her the victory over His enemies.
The Immaculate Heart will triumph and nothing can prevent it; her hour will come and it will be that of God, and this triumph will be that of His Sacred Heart. We want to share in it; confronting the waves of filth that today defile souls, deceive spirits, and confuse the path of the Church, we want to make reparation for the offenses and hasten the victory.
The Immaculate Heart can stamp our souls with the thirst for holiness that overwhelms her own, so that, following her example, we will remain faithful witnesses of the agony of the Church, as she was of that of her Son. We know that the hour of the resurrection draws near and that this hour belongs to the souls that hope against all human despair.
In Christo sacerdote et Maria,
Fr. Yves le Roux