Rector's letters

  • September 2021 - The Humility of St. Peter

    The depth of his humility lies in the fact that in spite of his unworthiness – of which he is well aware – Peter remained at the post which his Master had assigned him to, no longer believing in himslf but placing his trust on Christ who loves him with a divine love.

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  • May 2021- Man or Lapdog

    As man continues to mistake comfort as a means to true happiness he continues to dehumanise himself and ultimately comfort quickly becomes the executioner and the tomb of happiness.

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  • March 2021- Easter Letter

    Christ has sanctified all things, including our daily food. His presence in the new mural in the Refectory reminds us to ask the Father not only for our daily bread which we consume, but more importantly to ask for the daily bread of His Divine Love in the Eucharist. As a place of formation for the priesthood, the seminary life is properly ordered around the Sacrifice of the Mass; thus, even as we take common food, we are always preparing our bodies and souls to receive the Divine Food.

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  • Dec 2020 - "Come, O Emmanuel!"

    At Bethlehem over 2000 years ago, the world was in turmoil as Mary and Joseph silently prepared to receive their only son, Emmanuel. During Advent, the Church offers us the opportunity to contemplate the mysteries of the Holy Family in the silence of the cave at Bethlehem. Let it be a reminder for us to make time for silence during this season asking the Christ Child to take up his throne in the hearts of all men as we pray, “Come, O Radiant Dawn, Come O King of Nations, Come O Emmanuel.”

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  • May 2020 - Christ is Risen, Alleluia! He is Risen Indeed, Alleluia!

    While we currently undergo times of trial and uncertainty, we must nevertheless place our hope in Divine Providence whose silent workings are constant and ever-present. In our sufferings let us be comforted by the glorious victory of Christ, by whose death and Resurrection we are restored to life. We are grateful for you, our generous friends and benefactors, whose countless gifts and prayers make it possible for us to form laborers for the harvest. 

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  • Palm Sunday 2020 - Fly or Bee...?

    In times of fear and uncertainty our perseverance in the Christian life is put to the test. Such times are also opportunities for examination and conversion. Have we become lukewarm, fallen into routine, or taken our liturgical life for granted? Now is the time to enliven our faith, to place our fears and concerns at the foot of the Cross as we follow Our Lord this Holy Week. In imitation of Christ, let us be willing to suffer joyfully and peacefully, giving thanks amidst our tribulations because God is glorified in all things. Let us trust in God and take heart! "For those who love God, all things work together unto good."

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  • Ash Wednesday 2020 - Unless You do Penance...

    “Unless you do penance, you will likewise perish.” These famous words of Our Lord Jesus Christ fall upon us as a hammer blow. Their meaning is very clear. We cannot try to avoid it by giving this saying an allegorical or fanciful interpretation that would permit us to stay lukewarm. Our Savior presents us with a simple alternative: either we do penance and live, or we refuse it and die.

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  • December 2019 - TO BE 50 IN 2020

    During these times when many religious congregations have withered away and even disappeared, it is almost a miracle for a congregation to attain 50 years of existence. Aware that we share in the same weaknesses that all men have, nevertheless we rejoice that the boat of the Society of St. Pius X does not take on the waters of the conciliar reforms. In spite of the strong waves that rock the Church, our Society does not sink in the storm, does not let itself be overcome by the waves that crash against it.

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