Rector's letters

  • October 2019 - Hiding in the Dark

    A society that revolves around comfort and transitory pleasures is only too eager to deny the existence of the devil who likewise despises the very idea of penance or mortification. It is the devil's first line of defense to convince the world he doesn't exist. In the darkness of our blind disregard, the devil goes about his work in human affairs doing all he can to lead souls away from God and to the service of creatures. Let us give heed to the warning of St. Peter the Apostle: "Be sober and watch: because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, goeth about seeking whom he may devour."

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  • May 2019 - Cathedrals on Fire

    Millions of anxious souls watched in disbelief as the cathedral of Notre-Dame perished in the flames. The work of centuries by humble and God fearing men, within a matter of hours, was left scorched and in ashes. The tragedy of Notre-Dame is a striking image of our own souls which are made to be sanctuaries and living tabernacles of the Most High. A faithful soul will resemble a heavenly façade enclosing within itself the Most Holy Trinity; a rejection of God abandons the soul to a fiery ruin.

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  • April 2019 - Faithful Cross! Above All Other, One and Only Noble Tree!

    As nature awakens with the coming of spring, we are reminded of the life giving power of Christ in the soul and the fruit of the apostolate brought forth by prayer and sacrifice. Thanks to your generosity, we continue to improve the seminary property so that it may reflect the beauty and serenity which are essential in a priestly soul. We further commend to your prayers the taking root and growth of vocations in the souls entrusted to us. From the Rector and the whole seminary community, we would like to thank you for your prayers and support.

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  • March 2019 - To Express our Love of God in Prayer

    How do we make the most of Lent? This month, we consider the words of our revered founder. While penance and mortification are necessary aspects of the Lenten season, it is in the fulfillment of the two greatest commandments, love of God and love of neighbor, that God is most pleased. During this holy season, let our prayer continually express our love for God; a love that is both simple and selfless, as a child in the arms of his father. From this love of God will flow love of neighbor and the strength to undergo purification by the Cross.

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  • February 2019 - A Web of Deceit

    The Fall of Man and every sin that flows from it is founded upon a single lie from the mouth of the Serpent, “You shall not die… you shall be like God.” Satan, the Father of Lies, has thus enslaved all men and drives them on the road of perdition. By our sin we further the reign of Satan and spread his empire of deceit. As children of God by grace, we are called to reject this slavery to sin and reflect the image of Our Lord Jesus Christ who is Light and Truth.

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  • December 2018 - Thanksgiving At Christmas

    During this Advent season as we prepare to receive Our Lord, let us remember with gratitude the many blessings we have received from Him throughout this year. St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary would like to thank all of our friends and benefactors for the immense generosity and countless prayers that have made it possible for us to continue our mission. Please be assured of our continued prayers for you at the altar. May God bless you.

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  • November 2018 - A Savior Is Given Unto You

    It was on a quiet night in Bethlehem that God’s Word was spoken two thousand years ago and His Word continues to echo throughout the world for those who have ears to hear. His coming was announced by an angelic host to shepherds watching their flocks by night, whose response was to quickly rise and journey to Bethlehem to adore the Infant Savior. Will we spend this preperatory season swept up in the cacophony of consumerism, comfort, and end of the year celebrations? Or will we rush to the Bethlehem of our souls to prepare a place for the Messiah?

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  • June 2018 - A Watershed Moment

    We are living in the “Passion of the Church.” The crisis of our day is a crisis of paternity, and one of its many symptoms is a distrust and suspicion of ecclesiastical authorities. The current crisis, being a negation of the natural order of Christ’s Church, cannot be the foundation of right action; there first must be a return to order. The Society is not a reactionary force, but a part of the Church with the mission to sanctify the priest and preserve the Mass of All Time.

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  • May 2018 - Keeping Our Heads High

    Catholics are born for combat! We live in an age of imposed and ready-made thinking determined by public opinion and radical progressives. The modern world would have us abandon Catholic principles and submit to this yoke of godless and humanistic thinking in exchange for comfort and acceptance. It is our baptismal duty to reject the world’s invitation to compromise. We must be willing, in imitation of Christ, to stand as signs of contradiction against the anti-Christian forces in the world.

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