Rector's letters

  • April 2018 - To Walk With Open Eyes

    It is one of the effects of Original Sin that man is blind to his own misery. Not only does he fall victim to even the smallest obstacles and temptations, but all the while he imagines that he can be master of his own destiny. However, such a man is doomed to walk in darkness. Christ is our Light, and He desires to heal our blindness that we might hope entirely in the Redemption through His Cross.

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  • March 2018 - The Fight of a Giant

    Be sober and alert; the devil prowls like a roaring lion looking for whom he may devour. The devil’s total hatred for God does not only concern Him; it extends also to the soul living in sanctifying grace. In his malice and envy, Satan works tirelessly to lead holy souls astray and into the pit of eternal misery. Against this adversary, we place all our hope in the Cross of Christ, the Cross that conquers for all time.

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  • February 2018 - An Ecology of the Soul

    The good God offers a wealth of graces for the soul who prepares to receive them; this preparation is accomplished by prayer and mortification. As lent approaches, it is imperative that we make fruitful and lasting resolutions,not just for the coming forty days, but for the rest of our lives. Uniting our sufferings to the sufferings of Christ, let is perservere under our crosses so that we may share also in His triumph. 

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  • December/January 2018 - Joy or Lamentation?

    The year 2018 is here, and we may be tempted to think that it could only be worse than the last. However, we must reject the temptation towards discouragement and despair, and strive faithfully in the Christian life for the glories of Heaven. While it is our duty to war against the evils and enticements of the world, we must never surrender the joy that is our inheritance as children of God. Indeed, with Christ as our champion, our victory is assured.   

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  • November 2017 - Lord Grant Us Priests!

    "The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few." The words of Our Lord from the Gospels are as true now as they were then. The more our world strays from God, the greater the need for priests who are generous in their vocation as instruments of Christ's love. Let us continue to pray fervently for many holy priests! 

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  • September 2017 - Lessons of Autumn

    In times gone by, the season of autumn meant for man the reaping and assessing of fruits sown in the summer and the necessary preparartions for winter; it is the same for the interior life. If we were to examine our soul, what fruits would we find in our stores? Should winter come tomorrow, what account could we give before our Lord's judgement seat? Perhaps it is time for a retreat; God forbid we neglect our soul and find ourselves as the ten foolish virgins with lamps unlit at the coming of the Bridegroom! 

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  • July/August 2017 - Departure of the New Priests

    This year's ordinations marked the first of many to come at the seminary in Virginia and sent nine new priests into Our Lord's vineyard. Finishing work on the seminary continues; and thanks to the generosity of our benefactors, every completed task allows us to provide an environment better suited to the formation of priests.  Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

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  • May/June 2017 - The Protestant Revolution, Part 4

    During the reign of Christendom, societies readily submitted themselves to the teachings of Christ and His bride, the Church. Luther introduced the insidous error of "free examination," an error that destroys not only the concept of faith, but also the understanding of authority, which is the very foundation of human civilization.

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  • March/April 2017 - The Protestant Revolution, Part 3

    The motivation for all human rebellion flows from the original rebellion in Heaven: Lucifer's non serviam. Martin Luther, perhaps more than any other, held high the banner of rebellion against God by casting off the sweet yoke of His Church and proclaiming himself master and king of his own religion. We must reject this diabolical spirit of rebellion and cling ever more closely to God's mercy, never abandoning the battle for holiness.

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  • February 2017 - The Protestant Revolution (Part 2)

    Luther’s war against the Church was waged in large part by his three tenants, sola fides, sola gratia, and sola scriptura. By exaggerating the role of faith, grace, and Scripture, Luther destroyed the understanding of all three and rendered religious authority powerless. Furthermore, the teachings of Luther exalt the powers of sin and cast doubt upon the omnipotence of God, while simultaneously enslaving man to his passions by his doctrines of despair.

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