Rector's letters

  • May 2014 - A Structure to Hold Us

    The present time is precisely that in which these structures that protect and constitute man are collapsing. A slow process of decomposition of society is ongoing, reducing man – who is by nature a social being – to no more than one isolated individual, disabled, without any structure on which to rely, without any other resource that himself and, thus weakened, left at the mercy of anonymous powers.(...) God has already won. What can the demolishers of structures oppose against Him Who has Himself established them from all eternity?

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  • April 2014 - Futility of the Guards at the Tomb

    The stone was rolled into place, closing the tomb, well-guarded by two soldiers, while the apostles went into hiding, incredulous and trembling. (...) Didn’t we ourselves take the road to Emmaus a little too hastily? Isn’t it time to return to Our Lady and learn from her, so that our choices are not determined any more by appearances, and that only the theological virtues lead our steps?

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  • December 2013 - The Way of Redemption

    The Christ who incarnated Himself in Our Lady now wants to be incarnated in our lives. Like Saint Joseph and Our Lady we must walk along the roads of our earthly life, attentive to the presence of God, to His will. Our vocation is to remain amidst men, and yet as not being in it, because we are also led by a real but invisible Presence.

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  • November 2013 - Subversion or Tradition?

    Subversion is the weapon of Revolution. It works to bring down authority and fatherhood by presenting it as the enemy that wishes us harm or leads to our defeat. Following Satan, the first revolutionary, the Revolution is ultimately a rejection of God, a rejection of our sonship of God. The Revolution uses subversive methods to reject the divine fatherhood and all other paternal relationships that derive from it. Tradition acknowledges and worships God as Father. Tradition, consequently, recognizes authority as this divine paternity that guides and protects man. When the authority ceases to be faithful to its task, it is up to the defenders of Tradition to remind authority of its role and to do so even publicly. This respects the nature of authority while rejecting the secretive, anonymous and cowardly methods of the subversive. Between subversion and Tradition the opposition is absolute and Tradition would disappear if it suddenly were to accept the principle of subversion and become suspicious of any form of authority.

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  • October 2013 - The Devil's Strategy

    At the end of a stressful day, the cries of the little child are unmistakable. He is exhausted. One of his parents approaches and picks him up. The child finds in his parent’s arms the repose that he was seeking in vain and the smile that lights up his face shows his happiness. His tiredness goes away. In the shadow of this guardian power, he can now fall asleep. He is at peace.

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  • September 2013 - Has the World Become Insane?

    Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison, Kyrie eleison. Such are the first invocations in all the litanies listed in our prayer books. But to them we often add a litany of our own composition, that is, our complaints and laments, which constitute as many invectives against the world in which we live, as if Providence had played us a dirty trick by making us live at such a time, as if we should not be the salt of the earth, as if we did not have anything to offer to this confused world.

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