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Appeal From The Rector
Dear Friends and Benefactors,
For over 30 years now, St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary has been forming true Catholic priests according to the constant teachings and traditions of the Church. These priests are currently serving the needs of Catholics all around the world, in many of the 60 countries where the Society of St. Pius X is present.
It has only been through the generosity of benefactors that the Seminary has been able to continue in existence over the past three decades. Faithful like you have consistently shown their belief in and support of the formation that their priests are receiving by contributing generously to the many needs of the Seminary.
We are aware of the sacrifices made by our benefactors to give the donations needed to contribute to the work done here. As such, we are careful not to squander your generous contributions.
The previous Seminary was once full to capacity in its final years, and the new Seminary has opened its doors and will fulfill our needs given our growing student population. It is a multi-million dollar project which depends on your prayerful and financial assistance to complete.
It is for this reason that we once more appeal to your long-proven generosity to contribute in any way that you can to our daily work of forming truly Catholic priests. Without you, we cannot continue. Our world needs priests as never before, and St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary is the only place in the United States where completely Traditional priests are being formed. By sending a donation to the Seminary, you are not only performing a great act of charity that will be specially rewarded by God, you are also helping a world that is sick with apostasy and providing for your future and the future of many others.
All donations to the Seminary and to the Seminary's scholarship fund are tax-deductible.1 Contributing towards the Seminary's general fund or towards a seminarian's tuition can be done using the available PayPal links.2 Those contributing towards the tuition of a specific seminarian will be personally thanked by that seminarian. To thank you in a more lasting manner, we pray our daily Rosary for the intentions of the friends and benefactors of the Seminary.
We also ask that you pray for us daily, as we require many graces for the performance of this difficult, but sublime task. May God bless you in the pursuit of your heavenly goal!
In Christo Sacerdote et Maria,
Fr. Michael Goldade