Seminary Bulletin & Chapel Schedule

Vacation Schedule

Please note that from January 7-21st seminarians will be on vacation, and so the chapel schedule is modified as below. For more details, please see the bulletin link below.


                                  Week Days
Low Mass 7:15 AM
Rosary 7:00 PM
Mass & Confessions 9:00 AM
Rosary 7:00 PM


For the weekly bulletin please click here.


Normal Chapel Schedule

Sunday Schedule

7:20 a.m Low Mass
10:00 a.m. Solemn High Mass
5:00 p.m. Vespers and Benediction

Daily Schedule:

7:15 a.m. Low Mass 
7:00 p.m. Rosary (Benediction Thursday, Stations of Cross Friday)



Please drive around to the entrance of the Seminary building and park in the lower parking lot on the right 100 yards away from the building. The higher parking lot is reserved for the handicapped and the elderly.


Pastoral care

Fr. Robert MacPherson handles concerns regarding the faithful. You may contact him by e-mail ([email protected]) or by regular mail. He is available for any priestly work (e.g., sacraments, house blessings, sick calls, catechism for adults and children, and spiritual advice). For sacramental emergencies please call 434 5057007.